Welcome to BigBearChipping.org


In 2003, the communities within Big Bear Valley were forced to evacuate due to the dangerous threat of the “Old Fire”. The complex fires of ’03 (Old Fire, Cedar Fire, Grand Prix Fire and Padua Fire) are now the most costly natural disaster recorded in California history. In the summers of 2006 and 2007 the list of fires grew to include the Heart-Mallard Fire, Sawtooth Fire, Butler I Fire, Butler II Fire, Slide Fire, and the Grass Valley Fire. The unprecedented number of large, destructive fires has continued to grow.

Fortunately, it has been well over 100 years since Big Bear Valley has been influenced by the devastation that a large fire could bring. We are constantly reminded that our forest, homes, and businesses could all be gone in an instant.

The leaders of the Big Bear Valley communities are diligently working together to reduce wildfire potential. They have designed an action plan to help protect our communities. However, only with the help of our property owners and homeowners will this plan succeed.

Reducing wildfires has touched all levels of government, from local citizens’ groups, cities, counties, state and federal agencies, Congress, and even the President.

To contact the Chipping Program:
PO Box 2830, Big Bear Lake, CA  92315

Click here to request the service online


